Home Schooling Support
Calibre Education is not a school or a home school and assists in tutoring for students registered as home schooled. A full range of subjects and tutors is available and any aspect of the curriculum can be managed by Calibre Education based on the expressed needs of the parents and the child.
Calibre Education provides full and flexible programmes for every need and tutoring takes place individually or in groups of 2, 3 or 4 for most subjects. We have available a range of experienced tutors and teachers who are based in the Centres, and our long experience with home schooling has made us a leader in this field. Our learning programmes are fully flexible and appropriate to the developmental age of children.
Calibre Education also takes on the responsibility of liaising with the curriculum provider for home schooled students who are at a SACAI registered support centre.
Part of the Calibre Education experience is that we handle much of the administrative and registration issues with the curriculum providers, with whom we have built a relationship over the years.
Calibre Education offers fully equipped centres including:
- Fully functional and intimate learning spaces
- Wi-fi in every centre
- Audio-visual equipment to enrich the learning process
- Fully equipped kitchens for provision of practical subjects requiring the facility
- Large well-maintained garden spaces
- Secure parking and managed access
Calibre Education contracts with tutors who meet our high standards. Our tutors are:
- Understand the flexible nature of Calibre Education
- Are sensitive to the needs of students in all ranges of abilities
- Are enthusiastic and committed to learning
- Are able to work in the intense but rewarding environment of small-group learning
- Are creative in generating exciting tutorials which cater to individual learning styles.
Academic Assistance
For 16 years, Calibre Education has successfully been providing additional tuition to students in schools all over Johannesburg and the country. Our afternoon programme runs from 15.00 – 19.00 and lessons are booked on an hourly basis in advance.
We have had tremendous success with transforming the results of students in the IEB and GDE systems. We ensure that all of our clients are paired with the tutor that suits them best. All tutoring takes place in our well-appointed and equipped centres and are centrally booked for your convenience.
Through building relationships with independent schools in the area, Calibre Education continues to be recommended for additional lessons in a range of subjects, always with the full support of the school. Our aim is not to replace the teacher in the classroom, but work with them for the success of the child. Over the years we have assisted students to improve their results, close gaps in learning caused by illness or sporting commitments, and over-come barriers to excellence.
Life Coaching and Study Skills
Calibre Education taps into a very broad network of teachers, academics and educational professionals. With us, students have access to contacts in every conceivable educational field.
In addition, we are able to provide Life Coaching to young people (with qualified coaches), as well as offer study skills programmes to help young people build their confidence and adopt healthy strategies when tackling the challenges they face at school.
Every year, Calibre Education runs a programme of workshops in a variety of subjects for Grade 12 students preparing for their independent examinations. These workshops are:
- limited to 14 students per workshop
- focused on past papers, examination technique as well as content
- facilitated by experienced and prepared tutorsThe workshops have been very successful in the past and students from all over the country make special arrangements to attend these valuable and effective examination revision sessions.
School Liason Programmes
Because of Calibre Education’s positive relationship with schools in Johannesburg, specific programmes are set up for individual students requiring support before the end of the year examinations. Students who have academic challenges, or who are unable to attend school on a daily basis because of health or other issues, have been recommended to Calibre Education by the academic management of schools.
These programmes provide specific tuition, which aims to close the gaps in the learning of these students and happens in consultation with their teachers in the school they attend. These programmes can run during ISASA holidays, and each programme can be individually designed for the needs of each student. Many students in this programme attend lessons after their day at school, or they are accommodated at certain convenient times during the school day. Calibre Education operates 7 days a week for most of the year, and full and busy programmes run during both the GDE and ISASA holidays.
Scribes and Readers
The National Department of Basic Education and the IEB offer opportunity for students who face barriers to learning to obtain accommodations. These take the form of extra-time in examinations, or the use of a scribe and/or reader in examinations. Calibre Education trains its tutors to be able to carry out this responsibility with integrity and professionalism. Scribing and reading can have a dramatic impact on the performance of students with challenges and Calibre Education sees this service as central to its philosophy of doing what is in every child’s best interest.
Students enrolled with Calibre Education make use of this service, and all paper work and evidence pertaining to the accommodation is managed and tracked by Calibre Education. Readers and scribes are also provided to students in schools and assist at the school at which the student writes his or her examinations.
Our philosophy with scribes and readers is that the relationship between students and scribe must be one of mutual understanding, and that the integrity of any assistance is beyond reproach. Students who have never had a scribe or reader before can be daunted by this experience, and Calibre Education endeavours to make the experience as stress-free and constructive as possible for the student.
Calibre +
A growing trend is for students to take on entirely new subjects when they have matriculated in order to improve their university entrance criteria. This could be replacing Mathematical Literacy with Mathematics, or taking Physical Science for the first time since Grade 9.
Calibre + works with the schools to ensure that students are not only prepared for their Grade 12 examination in these new subjects, but also that all Portfolio and Continuous Assessment criteria are in place for these subjects. Often, Grade 10, 11 and 12 is completed in a single year, and Calibre + provides the platform to provide the tutors who can ensure success.
The progress and attendance of each student is carefully monitored, and Calibre + mentors young people who have “left school” in getting the best they can the second time around.
Re-writing Subjects with Calibre +
More and more, we have assisted students who have successfully completed Grade 12 in IEB schools who wish to re-write subjects in which they have performed poorly.
Usually, from August every year, in liaison with the school with which they are registered through the IEB, these students are placed on intensive revision programmes before they re-write the examination in October/ November.
The IEB introduced Supplementary Examinations in 2014, and Calibre+ aids students in preparing and writing these examinations with confidence. As many hours and as many tutors required are made available to students at times convenient to them.